The Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (CAPHRA) is an alliance between the Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates and their respective organisations in the region. Our mission and aim is to educate, advocate and represent the right of adult alternative nicotine consumers to access and use of products that reduce harm from tobacco use.
The Alive advocacy movement, based in Australia, focuses on promoting tobacco harm reduction. They aim to educate the public and policymakers about alternatives to smoking, such as vaping, as safer options for reducing tobacco-related harm. The movement also addresses issues like organized crime’s impact on tobacconists and vape shops, advocating for a regulated and fair approach to tobacco and vaping products. The A.L.I.V.E advocacy movement are individual advocates that come together to help create positive change towards a better future for tobacco harm reduction in Australia. We stand strong in support of vaping as a safer nicotine alternative and a personal freedom. We are a community dedicated to advocacy, education, and support for vaping and for the policies that protect rights to harm reduction. Visit FaceBook || Instagram || X || Web

The Australian Smokefree Alternatives Consumer Association (ASACA) is a not for profit organisation dedicated to making it as easy as possible for Australian smokers to switch to a range of safer nicotine alternatives. We are a group of individuals with lived experience who believe that our voice must be heard in the vaping debate. Nothing about us without us. Visit FaceBook || Instagram || X
Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction Report on Australia

A Hong Kong-based group pushing for greater government s upport for vapers and ENDS. Visit FaceBook
Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction Report on Hong Kong

The Indonesian Personal Vaporiser Association aims to unify the struggle to defend our right to choose. Currently,A PVI has more than 1,000 members and regional management in various provinces and cities/districts, to inspire and distribute programs that can benefit its members. APVI was established in Jakarta in 2015. Visit website -|- Visit FaceBook

YPKP Indonesia was founded by Prof. Achmad Syawqie as a contribution to health education. One of YPKP Indonesia’s focus now is on addressing the Indonesian’s dependency on tobacco. Prof. Syawqie believes one of the solutions to overcome cigarette addictioni s to utilize existing technologies in the health field.Visit FaceBook

Asosiasi Vaper Indonesia is a community-oriented advocacy based in Jakarta. It was created as a centre point on which the vapers of Indonesia could share information and fight for vaping legality in Indonesia. Visit FaceBook site 1 -|- Visit FaceBook site 2
Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction report on Indonesia

MOVE is a non-profitable organization that is established for the purpose of getting the Malaysian vaping industry regulated. Creating general awareness and to educate the general public to advocate vaping as a viable and healthier alternative to smoking and importantly, we aim to instill proper vape etiquette among vapers.
Visit FaceBook -|- Email MOVE President Kash Azim
Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction Report on Malaysia

Change the Habit Program is a group of people aiming for Mongolia to reduce the excessive smoking rate and create a tobacco-free future.
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Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction Report on Mongolia

AVCA is a grassroots community group run by adults who formerly smoked, who advocate for safer nicotine choices for adults in Aotearoa New Zealand. Our mission is simple: Educate, Inform, Advocate, Community. All of those involved are doing this work voluntarily, out of the conviction that there is a better way for smokers to be rid of the beast of combustible tobacco – once and for all.
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Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction Report on New Zealand

The Vapers Philippines is a consumer advocacy group with over a thousand members all over the Philippines. Based in metro Manila, there are various chapters in cities in Northern Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. We believe in responsible vaping and we aim to educate the public about the distinction of e-cigarettes from combustible tobacco cigarettes and the former’s potential as a risk-reduced product.
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Members of the Philippine E Cigarette Industry Association are responsible citizens who practice self-regulation within our industry and who collaborate with the government, environmental concerns, while promoting a greater understanding for e-cigarettes in service of our users, our community & our country. Visit FaceBook
Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction Report on the Philippines

The objective of ASAP it to get every Pakistani smoker, who cannot quit, to switch to alternatives to help reduce smoking rates in Pakistan and positively impact public health, ASAP. X -|- Facebook
Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction Report on Pakistan

End Cigarette Smoke Thailand is a consumer advocacy organisation that strives to promote tobacco harm reduction in the face of blanket bans, fines and jail time for consumers who wish to use alternative nicotine consumption products, specifically Electronic Liquid Vaporisers. Visit FaceBook -|- X
Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction Report on Thailand
Deeply Committed
Advocacy is no passing fad, it’s a lifestyle that grows daily. The rewards may be small, the hours long but knowing that their tobacco harm reduction efforts are making an impact is rewarding enough.
All member organizations are enthusiastic and ready to tackle the many obstacles they might face during their THR advocacy efforts.
Experience comes with persistence and commitment – traits all member advocates have to ensure better outcomes. If you’re in need of a THR mentor, CAPHRA is your first stop. Contact us today.