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Revised Position Statement: Disposable Vapes

The Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (CAPHRA) Position on Disposable and Closed System Vaping Products is based on the need for pragmatic, risk-proportionate regulations that protect public health while ensuring the availability of these products for adult smokers seeking less harmful alternatives to combustible tobacco. As technology evolves, so will this position paper.

Definition, Availability and Regulation of “Disposable” Vapes
Single use, non rechargeable, non refillable disposable vapes have been superceded by newer tech such as closed systems vapes that are rechargeable, refillable and have a three or five click on/off capability.

In the recent past, we believed that disposable vapes should be made available to adult consumers as part of a comprehensive tobacco harm reduction strategy.

Since that time, we have come to realise that regulators have decided to classify all closed system vapes as “disposable” and this has hurt the availability, and choice of products to people who smoke.

In certain circumstances, single use disposable vapes serve a purpose, such as for prison populations as is currently done in the United Kingdom, and in a smoking cessation environment where people who smoke are given the opportunity to try vaping in lieu of using combustible tobacco.

We have created a separate document outlining the differences between single use disposable vapes and closed system vapes that can be accessed here:

Recycling Requirements for Retailers for all Closed System Vape Products
In addition to age restrictions and product registration, retailers selling vapes should be legally required to participate in a recycling program for these devices. This can be achieved by implementing a deposit system at the point of sale, where customers pay an additional fee that is refunded upon returning the used device for recycling.

This deposit can then be used as a credit towards the customer’s next purchase, incentivising the return of used devices and reducing the likelihood of underage individuals collecting and returning devices for cash.

By implementing a recycling program, retailers can play an active role in reducing the environmental impact of disposable vapes and promoting responsible disposal practices among their customers. In countries that have existing recycling regulations, we support enforcement of these requirements.

Closed system vapes have a role to play in tobacco harm reduction efforts, but their availability and use must be regulated and monitored to protect public health. By implementing age restrictions, product registration, and recycling requirements, CAPHRA believes we can ensure that closed system vapes are accessible to adult smokers seeking less harmful alternatives.

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